Sunday, December 17, 2006

This is just about the funniest thing I have seen here. Everyone leaves their car in neutral, and if it needs to be moved or is blocking a lane someone just comes along and rearrages the cars. Posted by Picasa

What a good big sister! Posted by Picasa

EVERYONE need a facial now & then! Posted by Picasa

You know it is winter here when the soi dogs are wearing t-shirts! Posted by Picasa

Still don't run into my name very often..but I have met a couple of students here! Posted by Picasa

Lawrie had to spend a couple of days in the hospital because of an infection in his foot. He was in a 4 bed room with 3 other guys, and their families. Each of the other guys had their wives, mothers, children etc. sleeping with them behind the curtains, mostly on the floor I think! Guess who DID NOT have his wife stay with him in the hospital!!? Posted by Picasa

Welcome to Vientiane Laos, there is quite a French influence here (bagettes & wine were plentiful). We found it quite similar to Thailand, but with a french twist! Accually the French have their finger print on quite a few of the countries in this area. Posted by Picasa

Beer Laos....all of these countries have their own beer...they are so good! Posted by Picasa

The mighty Mekong River. Posted by Picasa

Laos 2006...this window was on the Telephone company building...check out the wires! Posted by Picasa

These looked like crabapples. Posted by Picasa

There are over 10000 Monks in Laos. Posted by Picasa

Monks everywhere! Posted by Picasa

Read the sign! Posted by Picasa

These are used to make rice Posted by Picasa