Tuesday, June 27, 2006

What the well dressed 3 year old is wearing this year!! Posted by Picasa

Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Everuone in Thailand is wearing yello to show the king our support! Posted by Picasa

We have a termite problem, one more day & it would have all been gone...try explaining that to the bank! Posted by Picasa

Looks like a plan!!! Posted by Picasa

How many Monks can you fit into your truck? Posted by Picasa

32 golfers & 7 teams...5 hours later ...what a day!! Posted by Picasa

OOO should have worn more sunscreen! Posted by Picasa

Wecome back Miss Alisa! Posted by Picasa

A tale of 2 Ryan's! Posted by Picasa

Who even knew Gary could dance!! Posted by Picasa

This is the party crowd! Posted by Picasa

Only in Thailand would you get corn on your pizza!! Posted by Picasa

OnlyOOOO Posted by Picasa

Tuesday, June 13, 2006

We just had a 5 day weekend in Phuket working on our tans, golf game & diving...what did you do this weekend?? Posted by Picasa

Don't drop your load...now that is talent! Posted by Picasa

This pier is 1 kilometer long! Posted by Picasa

We are not used to seeing something so familiar...just like seeing an old family friend! Posted by Picasa

Black swan Posted by Picasa

Little waterfall in the middle of the golf coarse...not something we are use to in Manitoba! Posted by Picasa

Phuket Golf Club...and the wanted me to go over the water!! Posted by Picasa

This is a cruise ship for Queer Stars...suppose to be quite popular...anyone game??! Posted by Picasa

Thanks to the king celebrating his 60th year reigning over Thailand, we where able to go diving for 3 days..Long Live the King!! Posted by Picasa

This was the dive location ... Raha Yai off the island of Phuket Posted by Picasa

This was our dive boat. Posted by Picasa

Not the most graceful sport! Posted by Picasa