Sunday, March 26, 2006

This is basically how Lynda & I spent our holiday, going from massage to massage while Bob & Lawrie golfed. Tough job, but you know how it is!! Check out those white legs!! Posted by Picasa

Once we arrived in Hanoi we caught the first plane out to Siagon, the have two airlines. Posted by Picasa

This is in Siagon, they sold everything...sun glasses, reading glsses, calculators, fans. measuring tapes, umbrellas, cashews, flashlights...everything Happy hour cheap just for you!! Posted by Picasa

They had weapons that meant business, that's why they called it gorilla warfare! Posted by Picasa

The Vietnameese call it the American they were the innocent by standers! Very interesting to hear the other side of the story. Posted by Picasa

I can't imagine how they could have lived down there for so long. The American's didn't stand a chance. Posted by Picasa

They had to enlarge the tunnels for us westeners! Posted by Picasa

Tight squeeze! Posted by Picasa

Smoke coming up from the kitchen, if someone didn't point it out, you'd never have known! Posted by Picasa

Not for this guy!! Posted by Picasa

Snake & scorpion wine mmm good! Posted by Picasa

Large Christian communitee, this is the Notre Dame Cathedral Posted by Picasa

Friday, March 24, 2006

Quite the load! Posted by Picasa

KFC must have been here before the war, it is the only American chain we saw. Posted by Picasa

Where else would you stay in Siagon...we were the only Canadians in the place I'm quite sure! Posted by Picasa

Fruit salad is what we ordered...fruit salad is what we got! Posted by Picasa

Mango for you?! Posted by Picasa

Lobster & Prawns served to us while we relaxed on the beach..who can resist? Posted by Picasa

Lunch on the BBQ...come & get it! Posted by Picasa

First a pedicure....I think these ladies made their weekly quota on us! Posted by Picasa

Massage for Lynda Posted by Picasa

Jan getting her legs threaded...1st time ever! Posted by Picasa

What's for lunch? Posted by Picasa

Our dive masters. Posted by Picasa

All you have to do is remember to breath!! Posted by Picasa