Monday, December 05, 2005

Taxi from the airport in Chang Mai. Posted by Picasa

Not much meat on those bones, Thailand is not know for it's beef!! Posted by Picasa

Um excuse me ... more please!!! Posted by Picasa

Stacey & a girl we met form Ireland. Posted by Picasa

Heading out to do some white water rafting, thankfully we didn't hit any rocks...the helmets would not have saved us!! Posted by Picasa

Jack friut Posted by Picasa

Making spring rolls, much better than frozen! Posted by Picasa

Heather & Sarah dicing it up! Posted by Picasa

Red Curry anyone? Posted by Picasa

Haven't been in the kitchen in ages, & don't miss it a bit! Posted by Picasa

Don't get used to seeing Heather in the kitchen! Posted by Picasa

Shredding the coconut. Posted by Picasa

Many of the dishes have coconut milk in them, & I wonder why I'm gaining weight!! Posted by Picasa

Heather and her friend Sarah & I took a Thai cooking course in Chang Mai...thier idea of chocolate is the chili peppers. Posted by Picasa

This lady is selling Thai brooms. Posted by Picasa

Thursday, December 01, 2005

Phillipines 2005 Posted by Picasa

Transportation in the Phillipines Posted by Picasa

Phillipines 2005 Posted by Picasa

Phillipines 2005 Posted by Picasa

Phillipines 2005 Posted by Picasa

Stayin afloat! Posted by Picasa

Survivor Island in the Phillipines Posted by Picasa

Survivor Island...go go go Posted by Picasa

Phillipines 2005 Posted by Picasa

Love this life! Posted by Picasa