Monday, May 30, 2005

How's this for serene?! Posted by Hello

This woman's name is Linda Rodgers, we found out shortly after we both arrived in Thailand, that we are about a small world! Posted by Hello

This guy's name is Captain, we just made pizza & he want's to share!!  Posted by Hello

This is a nursing cat & her babies on our patio table. Posted by Hello

Bannana pancake calories! Posted by Hello

This is an icecream fondue Heather is eating! Posted by Hello

Wish you were here!! Posted by Hello

Fresh clams anyone? Posted by Hello

But it's raining! Posted by Hello

Thiland's idea of a mini van! Posted by Hello

Heather working on her ABC train! Posted by Hello

Hong Kong city lights! Posted by Hello

What else does one eat in Hong Kong...pasta of coarse!! Posted by Hello

Heather & Jenna over looking Hong Kong. Posted by Hello

Hello Hong Kong! Posted by Hello

We rode up a tram to get here, it has been operating for around 100 years.  Posted by Hello

We are at the peak in Hong Kong, what a view! Posted by Hello

This is an apartment block in Hong Kong...I think! Posted by Hello

Heather & Jenna Heron, still in Macau, they have their own Space Needle, or Calgary Tow er/ CN Tower Posted by Hello

This is a Portugese restraunt we went to...they served pidgeon! Posted by Hello

Wouldn't you love to see into these rooms? Posted by Hello

You can see how charming it is, all of the streets are cobble stone. Posted by Hello

This is one of the very quaint buildings we saw in Macau. This is an island just off the coast of Hong Kong. It was settled by the Portugese, but just recently returned to China. There is still a Portugese flair to the island. Posted by Hello